Monday, September 8, 2014

Ways to Keep your Mind Sharp as you Age in Place

As people age they may begin to notice that they become more forgetful or their thinking isn’t as clear or quick as it used to be. While minor memory lapses are normal, significant memory loss is not, even with aging. It is usually a sign of a condition such as dementia or the result of injury or other disorders. Engaging in daily activities to keep your mind active can help boost memory and improve processing. Here are some ways that seniors can work to keep their mind sharp:

Play higher level thinking games. Completing jigsaw, crossword, or logic puzzles as well as strategy games can promote problem-solving and stimulate the brain. They require more focus and thought than simple games that become more automatic.

Engage in regular exercise. Walking, swimming, yoga, and biking are all great activities for seniors. Exercise keeps blood flowing and can enhance heart health as well as ward off other diseases that can lead to memory loss. It is also a way to reduce stress, boost mood, and improve mental health.

Stay social. Spending time with others helps to work various parts of the brain. It can help seniors to remember routines, stay more mobile, and ward off depression. Interacting with others can be a healthy form of stimulation and give more meaning to each day.

Eat a healthy diet. Getting the proper amount of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients can support brain function and memory. The body needs these things for good health. Fish are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids which can reduce risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease.

Continue learning new things. Another great way to stimulate the brain is to try new activities and develop different hobbies and skills. This diversity can activate various parts of the brain and help maintain healthy brain cells. Read a part of the newspaper you usually skip, volunteer in the community, join a club, or practice a new hobby. It gets your memory thinking in different ways and provides variety. It can also be a good source of exercise and socialization.

Just because you are aging doesn’t mean that you can’t keep your mind sharp. Find ways to stay involved and continue doing things that you enjoy. Eating a well-balanced diet, drinking plenty of water, and getting adequate sleep can also help the brain to recharge and stay healthy. There are many ways to support better mental and physical health and today is a great time to start. Explore different opportunities and discover what you enjoy.

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