Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Keeping the Focus on Senior Nutrition

According to home care professionals, many seniors struggle to eat well as they age. Perhaps they don’t have the ability to get out and grocery shop for fresh fruits and veggies, or they simply may not have the energy to spend time preparing a healthy meal. As a result, they quickly begin to rely on fast food, frozen meals, and other unhealthy fare. Unfortunately, poor nutrition can lead to a lot of health concerns (both physical and mental), so it’s important to help your elderly loved one eat well. 

In order to make sure that your senior is enjoying proper nutrition, encourage them to incorporate the following elements into their daily diet:

  • Fill up the plate at mealtime with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables
  • Instead of relying on soda and other sugary, artificial drinks, make smoothies made with low-fat milk and fresh fruit to stay refreshed without added chemicals
  • Enjoy low-fat dairy products, like skim or 2 percent milk instead of whole milk
  • Eat plenty of lean meat and fish instead of red meat
  • Munch on nuts, Greek yogurt, and other high-protein items when it’s time for a snack
  • Substitute dark chocolate for milk or white chocolate
  • Eat whole wheat bread instead of white bread
  • Incorporate plenty of dark, leafy greens into meals daily

According to those who work in elder care services, Iowa families should make sure that their senior is able to take the steps necessary to eat nutritious meals each day. In many instances, the elderly individual is ashamed or unwilling to admit that they cannot get themselves healthy food items. If you constantly notice a lack of fresh produce and other nutritious fare when you visit your loved one, it’s time to have a conversation about what can be done to make sure that they’re eating better.

Additionally, it’s important to encourage your senior to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Diet coke or juices are full of sugar and just don’t hydrate as well as water. Encourage them to invest in a reusable water bottle and fill it up regularly as the day goes on. Many health ailments stem from dehydration, so this is an important part of keeping them safe. 

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