Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Preparing for Retirement: Making the Most of the Future

If you are approaching retirement age or have already reached this point, it is important to make sure that you are prepared so that you can enjoy your retirement years. Many people put off planning figuring that they have time later when there are many things that they can do now. Just because you are old enough to retire does not mean that you have to quit your job and stay home. There are many people who continue working because they enjoy it. They may reduce their hours or they may stay full time to keep putting money into their savings.

Start Saving and Create a Budget

It’s hard to predict exactly how much money you will need to save to comfortably retire. There are a variety of online calculators that can give you an estimate and you can also talk to a financial planner. Set a budget so that you are spending your earnings wisely. Keep putting money away into a retirement or savings account. Take advantage of beneficial plans that your employer may offer. Figure out how much you can comfortably live on and make sure you are living within or below your means.

Know Your Benefits

If you are going to draw Social Security, make sure you know how it will pay out depending on your age and income. Before you withdraw money from a retirement account, check to see if there are any penalties for doing so. You want to maximize the return on your investments. Look into available benefits to know what you qualify for and how they will support you in retirement.

Prepare Your Home

If you know that you want to age in place, start making renovations before you necessarily need them. Spread costs out over time and make changes slowly. Consider updates that will make things more accessible and enhance mobility. Add additional lighting, grab bars, and hand rails. Make sure flooring is secured and consider slip-resistant options. Renovating leading up to retirement can allow you to get more enjoyment out of your free time once you do retire and live more comfortably.

Check Your Health

Healthcare costs can be expensive. Get regular screenings and checkups to detect problems early on. Staying fit and managing any ongoing conditions can allow to you stay active and healthy. You can focus on doing things that you enjoy.

Get Involved

It can be a big change to go from being fully employed to being retired. Your whole schedule and routine can be thrown off. Start getting involved in the community and with different activities early so that you have things to look forward to. This can keep you motivated and in good spirits. Some people choose to volunteer to keep their mind sharp and give back.

Retirement should be something that you enjoy, not something that you are worried about. Advanced planning can ease your stress and help you to make the most of the future. Looking into services you may need later on, such as financial planning or in-home care, can save you time later. You will already know where to turn when the time comes.

If you or a loved one are looking to maintain your independence but find that you need some extra support during the day, Always Best Care of the Cedar Valley can help. With a wide range of in-home senior care services, you can get the level of support you need while continuing to live comfortably on your own. For more information call (877) 292-2126 or visit our website today. Make the most of your retirement by being prepared.

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