Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Preparing for Retirement: Making the Most of the Future

If you are approaching retirement age or have already reached this point, it is important to make sure that you are prepared so that you can enjoy your retirement years. Many people put off planning figuring that they have time later when there are many things that they can do now. Just because you are old enough to retire does not mean that you have to quit your job and stay home. There are many people who continue working because they enjoy it. They may reduce their hours or they may stay full time to keep putting money into their savings.

Start Saving and Create a Budget

It’s hard to predict exactly how much money you will need to save to comfortably retire. There are a variety of online calculators that can give you an estimate and you can also talk to a financial planner. Set a budget so that you are spending your earnings wisely. Keep putting money away into a retirement or savings account. Take advantage of beneficial plans that your employer may offer. Figure out how much you can comfortably live on and make sure you are living within or below your means.

Know Your Benefits

If you are going to draw Social Security, make sure you know how it will pay out depending on your age and income. Before you withdraw money from a retirement account, check to see if there are any penalties for doing so. You want to maximize the return on your investments. Look into available benefits to know what you qualify for and how they will support you in retirement.

Prepare Your Home

If you know that you want to age in place, start making renovations before you necessarily need them. Spread costs out over time and make changes slowly. Consider updates that will make things more accessible and enhance mobility. Add additional lighting, grab bars, and hand rails. Make sure flooring is secured and consider slip-resistant options. Renovating leading up to retirement can allow you to get more enjoyment out of your free time once you do retire and live more comfortably.

Check Your Health

Healthcare costs can be expensive. Get regular screenings and checkups to detect problems early on. Staying fit and managing any ongoing conditions can allow to you stay active and healthy. You can focus on doing things that you enjoy.

Get Involved

It can be a big change to go from being fully employed to being retired. Your whole schedule and routine can be thrown off. Start getting involved in the community and with different activities early so that you have things to look forward to. This can keep you motivated and in good spirits. Some people choose to volunteer to keep their mind sharp and give back.

Retirement should be something that you enjoy, not something that you are worried about. Advanced planning can ease your stress and help you to make the most of the future. Looking into services you may need later on, such as financial planning or in-home care, can save you time later. You will already know where to turn when the time comes.

If you or a loved one are looking to maintain your independence but find that you need some extra support during the day, Always Best Care of the Cedar Valley can help. With a wide range of in-home senior care services, you can get the level of support you need while continuing to live comfortably on your own. For more information call (877) 292-2126 or visit our website today. Make the most of your retirement by being prepared.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Tips for Interacting with Seniors with Alzheimer’s Disease

Trying to communicate with a senior with Alzheimer’s disease can be frustrating for both you and them. As Alzheimer’s disease progresses, people have trouble finding the right words to express themselves and may say things that seem to make no sense. They oftentimes have trouble understanding what you are saying to them as well.  Sometimes they will repeat the same thing over again or ask repetitive questions. Understanding how to more effectively interact with those with Alzheimer’s can make time spent together more enjoyable for both of you.

Be patient. It can take time for your loved one to come up with what they want to say and find the right words. They may lose their train of thought and need some prompting or direction. If you do not understand what they are trying to communicate, ask a follow up question for more information. Or ask if they can point to what they want. Sometimes even if they do use an incorrect word you can still figure out what they mean based on other clues.

Speak clearly and repeat yourself. Make sure that you are speaking in a clear voice at a reasonable level. You may need to speak a little more slowly to give them time to process what you are saying. If you need to repeat yourself, state what you said in the same way to avoid confusion. They may not have caught it all the first time.

Avoid arguing. Understand that with the Alzheimer’s disease, your senior’s ability to reason can decrease. They may say things that you disagree with but try to avoid correcting them. Simply move on to another topic. Arguing can make them more agitated and does nothing to improve the situation.

Minimize distractions. It can be easy for your loved one to get distracted by noises, movement, and other activities. Try to go somewhere quiet to talk so that they are better able to focus. This can also help them to keep their train of thought. However, you can use items as cues or reminders to trigger memories, support conversation, and promote understanding.

Stay positive. As their memory begins to fade, it can change their behavior. They are not intentionally being argumentative or disrespectful if they forget something. Focus on the positives and enjoy the time you are spending together. Share happy stories about things that are happening.

Be patient and supportive as your loved one speaks to show you care and are paying attention. Encourage them to continue trying to explain themselves as you listen quietly. Just because communication may be more difficult does not mean that the emotion and feeling are not there.  If your elderly parent is becoming more confused, they may benefit from dementia care through an in-home caregiver. The caregiver will be trained in how to work with individuals with dementia and Alzheimer’s and support their needs and quality of life. Always Best Care offers high quality dementia care to seniors in the Cedar Valley. To schedule a consultation and find out more about how we can help, call (877) 292-2126 or visit us online.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Strategies to Help your Senior get a Better Night’s Rest

March is National Sleep Awareness Month. Sleep deprivation or disturbed sleep can take a toll on both physical and mental health, especially for older adults. Poor sleep does not allow the body to repair itself or ward off illness as well. It can contribute to memory problems, depression, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, weight gain, and more.

Natural changes in the body during aging, as well as various medications, can all interfere with sleep. There are many strategies that seniors can implement to improve their sleep and support better health.

1. Set a routine. Go to bed and wake up at relatively the same time each day, even on weekends or holidays. This will get your body into a pattern of when it should be asleep and awake. Take time to wind down by reading, listening to some quiet music, or meditating to help reduce stress and increase relaxation. Make sure that your bedroom is dark, quiet, and at a comfortable temperature.

2. Avoid too much caffeine or too many fluids before bed. Caffeine is a stimulant and can keep you awake. In addition, drinking too close to bedtime can mean waking up in the middle of the night to use the restroom. Set a limit for yourself a few hours before bed as to when you stop drinking.

3. Stay active during the day. Exercising during the day or doing some light exercises a few hours before bed can burn off excess energy and make you feel more tired. Exercise also promotes better health and decreases risk of disease which can support better sleep habits. Aerobic exercise is good for the heart and can help ward off insomnia.

4. Keep a journal. Sometimes having too much on your mind can interfere with sleep. Write in a journal before bed to jot down concerns or things you want to remember. Writing them down can put your mind at ease and allow you to feel more relaxed. You can also refer back to it the next day to remind you of things you wanted to do.

5. Avoid sleep aids. While sleep aids can provide temporary relief, when used in the long term they can actually lead to more sleeping problems. Focus on more natural remedies such as drinking herbal tea, engaging in meditation, and using methods above to promote better sleep.

As you incorporate these strategies into your daily routine, they can improve your quality of sleep. If insomnia or disrupted sleep continue to be a problem and interfere with your life, talk to your doctor to see if there may be an underlying cause. If your senior needs help with their bedtime preparations, an in-home care provider can assist them with their nightly routine. Get peace of mind that they are in good hands with Always Best Care of the Cedar Valley. Call (877) 292-2126 or visit us online to schedule senior care for your loved one.